Maleki-BV 310
Standard leveling mortar
Easy-to-use, self-leveling floor coating of strength class C35-F7-A22 in accordance with DIN EN 13813. Hardens with low tension in a layer thickness of 2 – 50 mm.

- Eco-Binder technology
- environmentally friendly
- mineral
- very low emission EMICODE EC 1PLUS
- fast-curing and low tension
- high flowability
- easy application
- also processible by machine
for indoor and outdoor use
for smoothing rough, uneven concrete and screed surfaces
for installation of basic wear layers
- walkable and ready for covering at an early stage
applicable in layer thicknesses from 2 - 50 mm
GEV - Association of Emission Controlled Installation Materials, Adhesives and Building Products e. V.
Consumption calculator
Approx. 1.7 kg/m² and mm layer thickness
Delivery form:
25 kg paper bag
Packed on pallet:
1050 kg net/pallet
42x25 kg bag