Maleki-SM 735
Design smoothing mortar
Innovative and environmentally friendly smoothing mortar. Hardens fast and with low tension with layer thickness up to 30 mm.

- Eco-Binder technology
- environmentally friendly
- very low emission EMICODE EC 1PLUS
- fast curing and shrinkage-free
- polymer-modified
- grindable
- easy application
for indoor and outdoor use
for smoothing work on wall and ceiling surfaces and facades
for application as decorative wall coating
applicable in layer thicknesses up to 30 mm
GEV - Association of Emission Controlled Installation Materials, Adhesives and Building Products e. V.
Consumption calculator
Approx. 1.0 kg/m² and mm layer thickness
Delivery form:
25 kg paper bag
Packed on pallet:
1050 kg net/pallet
42x25 kg bag
Technical documents: